NYS Health Connector - Student Weight Data Explorer - NYAPD

In New York State, obesity rates are on the rise among elementary and middle and high school students. Obesity is linked to many serious health conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. To combat these effects, schools and communities can promote opportunities for physical activity and access to healthier foods and beverages for children in preschool, kindergarten through grade 12, and into adulthood.

Use the data explorer to look at an individual district, compare multiple districts, or examine statewide, regional, and county-level trends. Visit the following links to learn more about the Student Weight Status Category Reporting System (SWSCR) or download the data on Health Data NY. You can also visit NYS’ Prevention Agenda 2019-2024 to learn about goals for Healthy Eating and Food Security and the New York State Center for School Health for resources on school health services and how to support health and academics.

Student Weight Dashboard

Data Source:

This dashboard was a collaboration between the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Division of Chronic Disease Prevention and the Center for Health Data Innovation. The data source is the Student Weight Status Category Reporting System (SWSCR) for school years 2019-2020 through 2022-2023. For more information about this dashboard, please contact nysapd@health.ny.gov. For more details on data sources, definitions, and analysis methods, please see the Overview of the Student Weight Data Explorer. Note: “Statewide” refers to all public-school districts excluding the five boroughs of New York City (NYC).

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