NYS Health Connector - Background - NYAPD


Advancing health care transformation in an effective and accelerated manner requires integrated population-based health and health-related data to address challenges of access, quality, and affordability. New York State enacted legislation in 2011 that allowed for the creation of an All Payer Database (APD). The complexities of the health care system and the lack of comparative information about how services are accessed, provided, and paid for were the driving force behind this legislation. The goal of the APD is to serve as a key data and analytical resource for supporting policy makers and researchers.

New York State has recognized the need for an All Payer Database to provide a more complete and accurate picture of the health care delivery system across public and private payers and to improve population health.

In 2016, the Department secured a warehousing and analytics vendor, issued proposed regulations which were enacted in 2017, and started the implementation of the APD. Once fully developed, the APD will house data from public and private insurance payers, including insurance carriers, health plans, third-party administrators, and pharmacy benefit managers, as well as Medicaid and Medicare. Eventually, the APD will add other health related data that includes functional assessments, surveys, public health registries, social determinants of health, and clinical data from electronic health records.