NYS Health Connector - Measles Watch - NYAPD

Measles is a serious respiratory disease that causes a rash and fever. It is very contagious. People with measles spread the virus by coughing or sneezing into the air. You can catch the disease just by entering a room that an infected person visited two hours before. A small number of people who get measles will need to be hospitalized and could die. Many people with measles have complications such as diarrhea, ear infections or pneumonia. They can also get a brain infection that can lead to permanent brain damage. Measles during pregnancy increases the risk of early labor, miscarriage and low birth weight infants. Measles can be more severe in people with weak immune systems.

New School Vaccination Requirement: Parents, to learn more about school vaccination requirements that became effective June 13, 2019, visit the NYSDOH’s School Vaccination page.

If you have questions about measles or the measles vaccine, contact the New York State Department of Health at immunize@health.ny.gov.

Data Source:

Data for this dashboard is measles cases reported to NYSDOH between October 1, 2018 to November 16, 2019. For more information about this dashboard, please contact nysapd@health.ny.gov. For more details on data sources, definitions, and analysis methods, please see Overview of the Measles Watch Dashboard. Additional useful educational resources on measles are available on NYSDOH’s Measles page. See the Communicable Disease Annual Reports page for measles case counts and incidence rates by county and statewide (including NYC) prior to 2018.

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